How to be mindful of whether or not you are fostering debate. Short of that, the quality of your own leadership will be limited, as your team will give you what you want to hear, rather than what you need to know.
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Every person who truly cares about the quality, volume, and overall mission of his or her work is a tremendous asset to any organization. In my experience as a coach and c-level executive, I learned the hard way how important it is to select people who care, and de-select people who don’t care. That’s basic leadership – surround yourself with...
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Whether an untapped strength, a development area, or elephant in the room, you need to know what you are not seeing about yourself as a leader or colleague, but that would help you significantly to know and change.
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Sustainability, virtualization, and crisis continuity are things people talk about often, but, with some notable exceptions, tend to remain rote, reactive or status quo among most organizations. Worse, they are under-served topics in leader education and development worldwide. Yet as the saying goes, they will not be ignored, and will demand greater share of mind and wallet for leaders in the years immediately ahead.
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Even the best managers or leaders find themselves being too bossy. I see it all the time in my practice. I help clients overcome this by introducing them to (and helping them practice navigating) these six temptations:
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When we get promoted to positions of leadership, we don't get a manual. Here are the things I wish I had known on day one of my leadership journey.
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Partner and Global Coaching Practice Head at Heidrick & Struggles