Most Congressional Republicans have signed an anti-tax pledge. It's time for a new, constructive pledge—one that puts leadership into politics. Here's the idea...
Since 1986 Americans for Tax Reform has “invited” U.S. congress people to sign a pledge they will oppose any and all tax increases for individuals and/or businesses. They will "publicize" those who decide not to sign it, or who break their pledge. And golly does it work: in the current term, 238 House Republicans—a majority—and 41 Senators have signed the pledge.
I believe in great leadership, and therefore I have my own pledge to propose. Patterned after the succesful tax pledge (succinct and on message), I’ve come up with one I hope will help:
The signer pledges to:
ONE, refuse to accept any campaign contributions over $1 from any individual, corporation, fundraising group, PAC, lobbyist, or entity.
TWO, propose and/or vote only for legislation intended to uphold, protect, and/or defend the US Constitution, and the health, safety, security, rights, liberties, common prosperity, and freedoms of US Citizens, inclusive of every gender, race, religious or spiritual views, sexual orientation, physical or mental capacity, and ethnic origin.
THREE, accept congressional salary and benefits for their services only while in office, and only less than or equal to those of the median salary and benefits in the district or state that elected them.
I'm sure there's a ton of things we COULD add, but given money is the big kahuna of corrupting infliuences here, I'm keeping it simple.
And if you are so moved, please send it to your congressperson and ask them to sign it! If they do, they are welcome to put the “Recovering Leader Pledge” medallion on all their materials. Unlike Grover Norquist, if they don’t, let’s not embarrass them, ok?
David Peck
The Recovering Leader