1) Government leaders get back to the best, most ethical, positive spark of what drove them to want to lead in the first place.
2) Corporate leaders learn lessons from the current economic situation: for example, the business value of ethics, self-awareness, kindness, and the negative return on investment of greed and excess. They get back to "capitalism with care:" innovation and commerce for a greater good.
3) Religious leaders hold life, peace, personal freedom, and love—in all forms—as their highest sacraments, and let go of the impulse to lobby or legislate.
4) Media leaders take a fresh look at the practice of exploiting negativity for money. Consider getting back to speaking truth to power, and, in doing so, challenging all of us to be at our best.
5) Military leaders help us all understand the cost of violent conflict, as they are best-informed and positioned to be advocates for peace.
6) Leaders of all stripes eschew the temptation to operate from and inflame fear, and instead, choose love, forgiveness, and being of service.
7) We help each other, taking an active role in building a better future for our communities, one based on trust in our own creativity and ingenuity, possibility, and watching each others backs.
8) We quiet our minds from time to time for self-reflection to build greater awareness, and, in particular, to LISTEN to each other.
9) Individuals seek and find what fires us up, who we are at our very best, and align / realign with that.
10) We take a fresh look at our values as individuals and societies, and let go of anything / everything that doesn’t fit with them.
David Peck
The "Recovering Leader"
Executive Coach and President
Leadership Unleashed