- Identify a problem you’d like to solve, or an enduring difficulty within your leadership.
- List your beliefs about the people, issues, and opportunities involved with it.
- Challenge the quality and accuracy of these beliefs, applying a “pass/fail” standard to each one, and develop possible higher-performing beliefs for those that don’t hold up under such scrutiny.
- Put those alternatives into practice.
David Peck
Executive Coach
and President
Based on client experiences / lessons learned, our weekly LeaderTips have been offering self-coaching themes and topics of interest to leaders since 2004. They are often published in BusinessWeek Online, sent weekly to our clients, and hundreds of other corporate leaders worldwide. I invite you to forward them to others, who are also welcome to subscribe using the link below. Note that over 100 of these tips appear in my book, Beyond Effective: Practices in Self-aware Leadership. Click here to subscribe to LeaderTips via email.