Just a few thoughts today on elements of delegation.
- Give someone a task, project, or “to do” that fits them (role, responsibilities, capabilities) and you think they can and will do it well.
- Give them clarity: WHAT you want and WHAT success looks like, WHEN you want it done by, WHY you want it – how does it fit in to your priorities and why do you need it?, and any STAKES (positive and/or negative) or consequences (positive and/or negative.)
- Verify progress face-to-face or voice-to-voice at reasonable interval(s) between when you delegate it and the agreed upon due date. Ask "how" and "what" questions. Ask barriers question. Offer help / support.
- If it's done at the due date, offer feedback, express gratitude (as appropriate.)
- If it’s not done at the due date, offer feedback, express concerns, reassess relevance, decide whether you need / want to offer a second chance, or reassign it.
- Apply consequences accordingly.
David Peck
Principal and Senior Executive Coach
Goodstone Group, LLC