Under the leadership of our media is the TV intensifying the boob-factor of the public by simply overwhelming us with noise? Does that explain the new mantra of the absent majority: "What-EVER!"?
Much ink has been spilled on the topic of why the American public seems apathetic when it comes to politics, elections, and the large issues facing / created by our nation's leadership.
So rather than add to the opinion freight train, I'm actually asking questions -- wondering if voters and the public overall are burned out from the tidal wave of blathering opinions posing as news from the mainstream media? Could it be that the constant roar of faux drama / celebrity goings-on / tsunami of opinionated, ill-informed, biased infotainment babble is a big phat turnoff? Does it cause opinion-related burnout? What-EVER?
I'm worriedly wondering.
For example, Lou Dobbs seems to be stumping / fear-mongering on immigration reform. Glenn Beck
says ALL he has to offer are his opinions, yet he's showing up everywhere -- I think I even saw him appear for a moment on my mouse pad this morning. FOX -- I wouldn't know where to start. It could be that the net effect is that this all-important election cycle--with critical issues like Iraq, Healthcare, Pakistan, global warming, and THE ECONOMY--can become some kind of ugly Betty beauty contest that seems more Vegas video game than constitutional process.
Hey kids: There's a reason TV used to be called the "boob tube," long before the playboy channel or soft porn on Showtime.
So I call on sane people who want to avoid boobitude to consider the issue of the Media's Leadership and help sort this out before we get a 50 50, who gives a s**t president elected for four or (even boobier) eight years!