With Rudolph Giuliani and John Edwards set to exit the presidential race, the 2008 election is taking shape. Whether you're a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or Other, I have one piece of advice: vote you heart.
Let's start with "Vote."
While it's tempting to dismiss all of the candidates as full of baloney, or imagine it's going to be more of the same no matter who's elected, in a Democracy like ours, we each have a say in the matter. Apathy and Democracy lead to exploitation of the people by those with money and power, and whatever contorted agenda they may have, which, in my view, is where we are today.
Even when we don't act like it, we are all a community, and we can either stand up and be counted on to help each other, or exercise active avoidance, whining, or numbness.
The members of a true community share the vision: “I will watch out for you.” Ironically, that's why gangs are so cohesive. When you take responsibility for participating in a significant way in your community, watching the backs of others, you enrich all of our prospects for the long haul. Yet in the rapid march to the drumbeat of our creditors, employers, and "honey-do" lists, it’s easy to overlook or put off until tomorrow the needs of the people and issues banging on our front door. Becoming informed, and voting, are simple ways you can make it your mission to support the success of your community--and it will respond in kind to you and yours.
Now about "Heart."
Assuming you are taking responsibility as a leader in our Democracy by becoming a participating member of the community, remember that your heart is an amazing compass for what is important and true. As you seek to be infomred, and you listen to the candidates in a wholehearted way, you tap into a much broader spectrum of information. Your rational thoughts and reasoning are fine, but only give you a black-and-white picture. Your heart adds color, helping you tune in and gain deeper insights and to make great choices.
Be a leader / be a community member: Listen to the candidates with a quiet mind and an open heart today, then vote with your time, your money, and, ultimately, your choice on election day.